UTSA Korean
Korean Culture
CSH 1213: Topics in World Culture: Korea
This is an introductory/advanced course to learn an overview of Korea, Koreans, and Korean culture through the Korean heritage and its current cultural issues, including history, art, religion, education, Korean pop, drama, film, food, and everyday life.

East Asian Pop Culture
CSH 1213/3823
East Asian Pop culture (Online)
Korean culture (5 weeks)
This is an online course, which explores and examines the contemporary and the most representative East Asian popular culture of China & Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. Specific genres such as their popular films, music, fashion, foods, and technology

Travel Korea
CSH 1213: This course is designed for travelers interested in exploring the rich historical and modern culture of South Korea. Through a combination of in-person and online lectures, discussions, and useful activities, students will learn about the customs and traditions of Korea, as well as practical information about traveling in the country. Topics covered in the class will include basic information about Korea and its culture, local cuisine, popular tourist destinations based on their interest, and tips for navigating the public transportation system. By the end of the course, students will have the knowledge and skills they need to confidently plan and execute a trip to Korea.

Korean Film
CSH 2113: The Foreign Film: Korean Film
students will learn and understand Korean history, social issues, daily life, and cultural phenomena by watching Korean films, analyzing them critically, writing film reviews.

East Asian Films
CSH 2113
East Asian Films
Korean films (5 weeks)
An introduction to film as art and cultural expression. Emphasis on cinematic techniques, national traditions, genres, and the distinctive features of film as a humanistic medium.